The Chatbot
I’m a market researcher. I like research. I fill out lots of questionnaires to keep up with things. And despite my enthusiasm I still catch myself drifting into this dull autopilot mode whilst filling them out. This happens more often than I would like to admit. If a questionnaire can’t keep the attention of an overly involved survey nerd, the odds of it entertaining regular respondents are never in its favour.
However, the example I’m sharing today is a positive one – just to provide some welcome relief from the daily tsunami of bad news that we’re so used to. Just the other day I stumbled upon a questionnaire that did things a little differently. It took me by the hand and helped me along. And as with many things in life, these little things matter.
The standard, clinical lay-out was out of the window. It’s replacement: a chat-like environment accompanied by an energising tone-of-voice. This combination gives the impression of real-time interaction:
Bonus points would have been scored if the avatar actually showed a human face, just to add to the experience, but still.
There was no focus on the extrinsically motivated incentive. Instead, the chatbot provided me with a challenge: ‘you’re going to help us by executing the next assignment!’.
Brief encouragements along the way made me forget that a previously programmed piece of code is trying to make me feel better, and before I knew it I found myself immersed in this adventure with the goal to complete the challenge – this was no longer about finishing just a questionnaire.
After the screener questions: ‘Okay, you’re ready.’
After completing a set of evaluation statements: ‘It’s going great!’
The combination of appealing visualisation and positive tone-of-voice can easily be integrated in a plethora of research types. I recommend incorporating it in your next research project, since the encouraging, energising environment was truly a welcome relief!
Visualising FAQ’s
It’s very important to keep panel members involved and motivated. After all, we need our panel members to provide our clients with valuable insights.
Research Improvements
Generation Swipe
If you look at the past 10 years, we can conclude that mobile phones have changed our lives. It not only influenced our personal lives, but it also changed business.
Research Improvements
Catching a movie
A seemingly obvious mistake, when you take that second glance, but not so obvious when writing your own questionnaire.
Research Improvements
Using social stories in questionnaires
Wouldn’t it be more useful for a respondent to see these commercials in environments where they are normally showed?
Research Improvements
Shopping for tea
I recently came across a technique that caught my attention since it really improved both my engagement and the reliability of my answers.
Research Improvements
The solution to screening-out respondents
Screening-out respondents can disappoint respondents, because they can’t give their opinion.
Research Improvements
Take your time
Recently, I received an invitation to fill out a survey, which surprised me quite a bit.
Research Improvements
Graphics, colours and interaction
Online questionnaires and surveys are still at the forefront of market research for many companies, as it opens up a vast number of possibilities.
Research Improvements
The limitations of a respondent’s memory are sometimes forgotten when programming a questionnaire.
Research Improvements
Creating interaction
To make questionnaires more engaging, it’s important to create a certain interaction for respondents.
Research Improvements