The need for agile research
A shift in responsibility
Lucas Hulsebos – CEO easy2survey
A lot of companies have introduced agile working these past few years. Agile working relates to aspects of time and place flexibility, but also involves doing work differently by focusing on performance and outcomes. Agile working also requires other ways of doing market research. Market research needs to be done quicker and with more flexibility. Especially when companies work in short sprints, the need for quick research becomes more prominent.
The shift in responsibility
Companies that implemented a more agile way of working have introduced a different role for the Insights Team. The Insights Team is no longer separated from the other departments, but fully integrated in the agile team. But with this development, comes a big risk: the shift in responsibility. This is summarised in the figure below.
The sacrifice of quality
Agile working means an increase in a need for speed. A lot of market research agencies don’t know how to deal with that and shift the responsibility to the client. Instead of developing a sound and valid methodology, they rely on the client and say: “if you develop your own study, we make sure that it’s done fast”. Nowadays flexibility is described as letting the client do it themselves. This is where quality gets left out. The Insights Team is no longer around to manage the quality.
If the trade-off is between quality and speed, we often see quality being sacrificed in agile work processes. The research is done fast, but the quality is poor. The biggest problem is the questionnaire. A good questionnaire is not a research objective translated into a question on a 5-point scale. Good research is built up holistically and integrates different techniques to get a full understanding. In order to do this properly you need knowledge and experience and sometimes time. Time that needs to come from either the client or the research agency.
Important learnings towards agile working
Based on our experience with working with different “agile” organisations, we have created a list of important learnings how research should facilitate these agile working processes:
Shifting towards the client
If these requirements are met, research can support agile working much better than it currently is. In fact, agile is more than working in a different way, it is being and behaving differently and doing things differently. And if done right, the knowledge and time effort continue to be the responsibility of the research agency. For it should never be shifted towards the client.
Visualising FAQ’s
It’s very important to keep panel members involved and motivated. After all, we need our panel members to provide our clients with valuable insights.
Research Improvements
Generation Swipe
If you look at the past 10 years, we can conclude that mobile phones have changed our lives. It not only influenced our personal lives, but it also changed business.
Research Improvements
Catching a movie
A seemingly obvious mistake, when you take that second glance, but not so obvious when writing your own questionnaire.
Research Improvements
Using social stories in questionnaires
Wouldn’t it be more useful for a respondent to see these commercials in environments where they are normally showed?
Research Improvements
Shopping for tea
I recently came across a technique that caught my attention since it really improved both my engagement and the reliability of my answers.
Research Improvements
The solution to screening-out respondents
Screening-out respondents can disappoint respondents, because they can’t give their opinion.
Research Improvements
Take your time
Recently, I received an invitation to fill out a survey, which surprised me quite a bit.
Research Improvements
Graphics, colours and interaction
Online questionnaires and surveys are still at the forefront of market research for many companies, as it opens up a vast number of possibilities.
Research Improvements
The limitations of a respondent’s memory are sometimes forgotten when programming a questionnaire.
Research Improvements
Creating interaction
To make questionnaires more engaging, it’s important to create a certain interaction for respondents.
Research Improvements