easy2survey introduces Logo Test
Utrecht, 9th of May 2019, Today, DVJ Insights launched the first automated test for measuring the strength of a visual design or logo within the easy2survey platform. The visual design or logo of a company is an important asset. From the work of the Ehrenberg Bass Institute we know how important consistency and distinctive assets are. The visual design is the most important distinctive asset and a perfect form of permanent communication. Our Brand Growth Interviews made clear that the importance of visual design and consistency is important, but we also found that there is not a lot of information available about the continuous strength of these assets. Therefore, regular feedback is necessary.
Lucas Hulsebos, CEO DVJ Research Group: “The visual design is probably the most important distinctive asset of a brand. As one of the brand cues it leads to instant identification and instant appeal. Based on our Brand Growth Interviews we learned that companies hardly measure the strength of their visual design. When they do, it is because they changed something. However, they don’t realise that the impact of their visual design changes after every change in the market and the category. For that reason, we recommend testing this visual identity more often and more structured.”
About the Visual Design/Logo Test
Easy2survey uses a complete analysis of all the important aspects that are linked to real behaviour: Instant Appeal, Attention and identification, Evaluation and impact on brand choice. It allows companies to choose the logo with the most stopping power and brand fit. The test compares the logo to the most direct competitors to clarify what needs optimisation. Because of the holistic set-up, brands will get all the necessary diagnostics to optimise and improve their logo. The test provides specific answers that help make the go/no go decision for a new design and understand the strength of a current design. It is a new way to test this distinctive asset on multiple aspects.
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